I have been putting off jumping into blogging for far to long. I decided its time, I can no longer avoid it. It isn't that its bad, or scary (but will admit I am no writer nor a great speller) its that I had no idea where to start!

So I guess I should start by introducing myself, Hi I'm Shana. An aspiring photographer from the Buffalo NY area. Ive been doing photography for 2 year now, its hard to believe its already been that long!

I first got my camera from my brother and sister in law. I sewed kilts for my brothers wedding and as a payment (they knew I always wanted to get a camera) they bought me a camera kit off amazon. I learned the basics with my little rebel t6, and this past winter I upgraded to full frame! My friend was selling his canon 6D and I couldn't pass up the deal. It allowed me to keep my lens collection (only a 50mm and 35m for now and a few kit lens) but I was in love with it the moment I held it!

You are probably wondering what I did before I got my camera, well I was a designer/seamstress! I had a tiny boutique, did fashion shows, painted and made jewelry as well to sell in my store front. But fashion was wearing me down more than I was wearing it! I love it, and still do but the joy of designing a custom gown was gone and it took everything I had to sew some days and id cry when I did.

Well the moment I got that little rebel in my hand is was in love. It was like I finally found myself, my purpose and what I was meant to do all along. I had always wanted a camera but to help photograph my designs, but now that im behind the lens I can't imagine a world I don't take photos in.

Im in love with editing and learning everything I can about both photography and the art of editing as well. Im even considering taking commission work where I offer my editing services. Theres something magical about capturing moments in time, creating an artistic vision and bringing to life characters, memories and watching people come to life from behind my lens that I cant explain. It like magic, its like music, its like your favorite food, your favorite place. Its hard to explain but it means a lot to you in a way that you will forever love it.

This is me!

I started practicing portraits on my self in the beginning, It let me learn my camera, lighting, even practice makeup and styling! My boyfriend surprised me with a lighting kit for Christmas that I still use when I am bored and have no sessions.

My birthday.

I took this photo on my birthday! I got that beautiful lavender seamless backdrop for myself and wanted to use it as soon as it came in!! I was also learning to edit using photoshop for frequency separation here as you (if you know how to do it) might be able to tell, the arms aren't perfect, my layers are flat and this photo isn't as great as it could have been but for just learning im still proud of it!

Accessories and me

Often times I build props, make costumes or in this case crowns/headdresses and horns to use in my photoshoots if needed/wished. I also have a lot of wigs! this photo is my actual hair right after I got it dyed purple/fuchsia! These photos here are just a few I've taken of myself while I was still learning! I need to add a new self portrait soon lol.

I am hoping to start blogging at least once a week. it might be behind the scenes from sessions with clients, it might be tips and tricks or advice for people looking to get into photography. but I wanted to start small today with a simple hello and a little about myself.

I hope you'll join me for my next post. I am thinking it'll be tips for up and coming models and photographers. I recently had a few conversations with models I worked with and they had a lot of questions on different things so maybe that will be a good topic to cover. what do you think I should write about?
